What is a Didgeridoo?

Traditional Eucalyptus Didgeridoo Handpainted by David Blonski

The Didgeridoo (also spelled didjeridoo or didjeridu) is a unique and fascinating wind instrument that has its origins with the Aboriginal People of Northern Australia. Nobody knows how old this instrument actually is but there is some speculation that it is perhaps on of the oldest instruments on the planet. According to Aboriginal Dreamtime Myth, the didgeridoo has been around since the beginning of time and it played an important part in “sounding” the world into form during the process of creation.

Traditionally, Didgeridoos are made from the trunks or branches of eucalyptus trees that have been hollowed out by termites or they are made from hollow bamboo stalks that grow in the tropical Northern Territories. Today you can also find them made from hand hollowed Agave cactus stalks and limbs from a wide variety of woods and even man made materials such as plastics, graphite and fiberglass. No matter what kind of Didgeridoo you play the effect of the sound upon the player and listener is nothing short of amazing. The primal drone and haunting overtones seem to echo something out of the forgotten past, perhaps re-opening a doorway that can give us a deeper connection with the creative force that animates our world and the cosmos.

American Made Ponderosa Pine Didgeridoo by David Blonski

Haleakala Sunrise from Didgeridoo in the American Outback.